2021: Youth Employment: Connecting Research and Policy

2021 National Poverty Research Center Topical Panel

January 14, 2021 | 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET


Overview: Youth ages 16 to 24 face the highest rates of unemployment when compared to all older age groups. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this issue even more urgent since youth unemployment negatively impacts young people, their families, communities, society, and the economy. Youth disconnected from the workforce face an average $9,800 of lost earnings per year, experience lower earnings in adulthood, and are more likely to receive support from government programs, such as TANF, housing assistance, SNAP, and WIC.

ASPE, in partnership with the HHS National Poverty Research Center at the Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, funded four research projects in January 2020 aimed at promoting the economic mobility of young people by better understanding barriers to and supports for youth employment. This panel discussion will highlight study findings and discuss the policy implications of each.

Speaker Bios

1:00 p.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks
Katherine Magnuson, IRP
Cheri Hoffman, HHS, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
1:10 p.m. Youth Employment Overview
Louisa Treskon, MDRC [Presentation Slides in PDF]
1:25 p.m. Recent Research

Moderator: Louisa Treskon, MDRC
2:10 p.m. Break
2:25 p.m. Role of Education and Training in Youth Employment

Moderator: Louisa Treskon, MDRC [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Mathew Uretsky, Portland State University [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Jennifer Geiger, University of Illinois at Chicago and Nathanael Okpych, University of Connecticut [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Mary Collins, Boston University [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Kyle Albert, George Washington University [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Discussant: Maisha Meminger, DOL, Employment and Training Administration, Division of Youth Services
3:10 p.m. Youth Employment and Cross Systems Engagement

Moderator: Louisa Treskon, MDRC [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Mathew Uretsky, Portland State University [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Jennifer Geiger, University of Illinois at Chicago and Nathanael Okpych, University of Connecticut [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Mary Collins, Boston University [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Kyle Albert, George Washington University [Presentation Slides in PDF]
Discussant: Shimaine Quimbley, Young Adults Consultant Program, Children’s Bureau, HHS
3:55 p.m. Wrap Up and Evaluation
Jennifer Burnszynski, HHS, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
4:00 p.m. Adjourn