Focus and Focus+ Icon

Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement 37(1), June 2021
Assessing the Responsiveness of the U.S. Safety Net to the COVID-19 Economic Crisis

  • Edited by Emma Caspar, Judith Siers-Poisson, and James T. Spartz
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2021
Fast Focus Research/Policy Brief Icon

Impact of Government Programs Adopted During the New Deal on Residential Segregation Today

  • Jacob Faber, and edited by Anna Sucsy
  • Fast Focus Policy Brief
  • 2021
Report Icon

Analysis of the Unemployment Insurance Waiting Period in Wisconsin

  • Jeffrey Smith, Yonah Drazen, Steven Cook, and Hilary Shager
  • Report
  • 2020
Report Icon

Shared Placement and Post-Divorce Economic Well-Being

  • Judi Bartfeld and Trisha Chanda
  • Report
  • 2020
Webinar Icon

Lessons from Cash Transfer and Basic Income Pilot Programs

  • Lisa Gennetian, Aisha Nyandoro, Amy Castro Baker, and Stacia Martin-West
  • Webinar
  • 2020
Podcast Icon

Sarah Halpern-Meekin on “Social Poverty”

  • Sarah Halpern-Meekin
  • Podcasts
  • 2020
Focus and Focus+ Icon

Policy approaches to reducing poverty and deep poverty among children

  • Hilary Hoynes, Robert Moffitt, and Timothy Smeeding
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2019