By Rebecca Jourdan Schwei Two teams from the University of Wisconsin–Madison won a combined $1.5 million in provisional funding in a national competition to help boost the middle class. The two teams, Connect Rx Wisconsin …
A Statement from University Poverty Research Center Directors on Mead’s “Poverty and Culture”
July 30, 2020 A recent commentary, “Poverty and Culture,” written by Professor Lawrence Mead and published in Society, a journal edited by Jonathan Imber, has caused great concern and anger within the poverty research community. …
A Statement from Former Directors of the Institute for Research on Poverty About Research on Poverty and Race
A recently published opinion piece, “Poverty and Culture,” written by Professor Lawrence Mead and published in Society, has caused great concern within the poverty research community. While the editor has since withdrawn the article, the …
Three IRP Affiliates honored with Vilas Professorships and Awards: Marah Curtis, John Eason, and Susannah Tahk
Lonnie Berger named the new Associate Vice Chancellor for Research for the Social Sciences in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
Tech Innovation Teams in Dane County Secure 2 Spots in a National Competition to Raise the Income of Dane County Families
CONTACT: Rebecca Schwei, (608) 516-6459, Two teams from the University of Wisconsin–Madison are advancing to the final round of a national competition for up to $1 million in funding to help boost the middle …
IRP receives UW 2020 award to build a transformational data resource to support housing research
Seth Pollak elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for his work on lasting effects of negative childhood experiences
Call for Nominations (UW Prevention Research Center): Grad/Professional Student Health Fellowship for APHA Maternal & Child Health (06/01/20 deadline)
NAM Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic (IRP is a member, represented by Barbara Wolfe) released discussion paper on strategies to address barriers to treatment
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