Child Support

The child support enforcement system plays a critical role in facilitating private income transfers from noncustodial parents to their nonresident children. It also functions as a cost-recovery mechanism for government expenditures on these children. The program serves a majority of custodial families and transfers a substantial amount of support. Moreover, child support receipt has been credited with considerably reducing poverty.

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COVID-19 and Transitioning to a Virtual Workforce

  • Lisa Klein Vogel and Vee Yeo
  • Report
  • August 2021
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The COVID-19 Pandemic and Child Support Enforcement

  • Lisa Klein Vogel, Alejandra Ros Pilarz, Laura Cuesta, and Genevieve Caffrey
  • Report
  • August 2021
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Perceptions of Fair Treatment and Child Support

  • Yoona Kim and Daniel R. Meyer
  • Report
  • July 2021
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Wisconsin Parents Survey: Final Field Report

  • Lisa Klein Vogel
  • Report
  • June 2021
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Satisfaction with Placement Arrangements Among Divorced Wisconsin Families with Sole Mother and Shared Placement Orders

  • Lawrence M. Berger, Quentin H. Riser, Judith Bartfeld, and Trisha Chanda
  • Report
  • June 2021
Fast Focus Research/Policy Brief Icon

Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansions and Child Support Outcomes

  • Lindsey Bullinger, and edited by Eleanor Pratt
  • Fast Focus Policy Brief
  • January 2021
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Child Support in Military-Connected Wisconsin Families

  • Tova B. Walsh and Rachel Reynders
  • Report
  • January 2021