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Increasing Engagement of Fathers in Services Through Father-Specific Programming

Tova Walsh

Darryl Davidson

Brooks Griffin

Jennifer Bellamy

Tova Walsh, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Faculty Affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty, UW–Madison
Darryl Davidson, Director, City of Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative
Brooks Griffin, Peer Father Advocate, African American Breastfeeding Network and Founder of The INSPIRED Network
Jennifer Bellamy, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development and Professor, University of Denver School of Social Work

Child and family service providers can enhance outcomes for children and families by engaging fathers, alongside mothers and other family members, in services. Father-specific parenting programs have been developed for groups including expectant and new fathers, young, low-income, and unmarried fathers. The presenters discuss development, selection, and implementation of father-specific programming for different audiences.

This webinar highlights several initiatives: peer-to-peer programming for new fathers through the African American Breastfeeding Network; Dads Matter, a new intervention designed to incorporate fathers into perinatal home visiting programs; and the Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative, which offers father-focused legal, health, and education services, as well as parenting support, primarily to low-income African American fathers.

Recording of the Webinar

Additional Materials

Slides from the webinar

Measures of father-child relationship quality, coparenting, and fathers’ engagement from the Fatherhood Research & Practice Network

Measures from the Dads Matter project that examine fathers’, mothers’, and home visitors’ beliefs and expectations about fathers’ participation in home visiting


Child Development & Well-Being, Children, Family & Partnering, Family Structure, Parenting


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