- Emma Caspar
- June 2018
- Focus-34-1-a
- Link to foc341a (PDF)
- Link to foc341sup (PDF)
The United States provides no federal paid leave to new parents; however, four states have implemented payroll-tax-funded paid family leave programs that provide wage replacement during time off from work to care for and bond with a new child. In the absence of such paid leave, employed new parents must either take unpaid leave, quit their job, or return to work sooner than they may have preferred. While some employers do provide paid parental leave, relatively few employees have access to it. Low-wage workers are particularly unlikely to have access to paid leave through their employers.
Economic Support, Family & Partnering, Health, Means-Tested Programs, Parenting, Social Determinants of Health, Social Insurance Programs
Cross-National Comparison, Cross-State Comparison, Medical & Family Leave, Single Parent, SSI/SSDI, TANF/AFDC/W-2