- Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny
- March 2022
- Focus-on-Poverty-381c
- Link to Focus-on-Poverty-38-1c (PDF)
- Link to Focus-on-Poverty-Classroom-Supplement-38-1 (PDF)
Pia Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny compare economic trajectories of foreign-born and U.S.-native Latino populations throughout the recession and recovery periods. As the second largest ethnic/racial group in the United States at 18.7 percent of the population (U.S. Census Bureau, 2020) it is important to understand the social and economic forces leading to—or thwarting—the collective well-being of Hispanic/Latino communities.
- Many established Latino families in the United States have moved out of poverty and into the working class and middle class in recent decades.
- The average net worth of Latino/Hispanic families by the end of the economic expansion following the Great Recession was, on average, five times less than a given non-Hispanic white family in the United States.
Employment, Immigration, Inequality & Mobility, Intergenerational Poverty, Labor Market, Low-Wage Work, Poverty Measurement, Racial/Ethnic Inequality, U.S. Poverty Measures, Unemployment/Nonemployment
Great Recession, National, Pandemic Relief (CARES Act), Quantitative Research, Race/Ethnicity