Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
Focus on Poverty, IRP’s flagship online publication, includes brief essays summarizing current poverty and policy research for non-researchers. The collection is prepared for educators, policymakers, policy analysts, and state and federal officials. Each issue is accompanied by Focus on Poverty Classroom Supplement, a college classroom resource, which includes additional information and web links on the topics covered in Focus on Poverty.
Family structure and children’s behavior
- Rebecca Ryan, Amy Claessens, and Anna J. Markowitz
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Fall/Winter (2013-2014) 2014
The cost of breaking up
- Laura Tach and Alicia Eads
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Fall/Winter (2013-2014) 2014
Neither here nor there: Incarceration and family instability
- Kristin Turney
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Fall/Winter (2013-2014) 2014
How did the Great Recession affect fertility?
- Christine Percheski and Rachel Kimbro
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Fall/Winter (2013-2014) 2014
Focus & Focus+ 30(1), Spring/Summer 2013
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Spring/Summer 2013
Introduction to the Issue, Focus 30(1)
- Timothy M. Smeeding
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Spring/Summer 2013
The income-Health gradient
- William Evans, Barbara Wolfe, and Nancy Adler
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Spring/Summer 2013
Emergency savings for low-income consumers
- J. Michael Collins and Leah Gjertson
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Spring/Summer 2013
Results of the federal urban Empowerment Zone program
- Matias Busso, Jesse Gregory, and Patrick Kline
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Spring/Summer 2013
Good jobs: The importance of who you work for
- David Card
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Spring/Summer 2013