The Poverty Research & Policy podcast features interviews with researchers about poverty, inequality, and policy in the United States. Hosted by Dave Chancellor and Judith Siers-Poisson.
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The Anti-Poverty Intern podcast examines career paths for undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in antipoverty work. It is hosted by UW–Madison students interning with IRP through a partnership with the Morgridge Center for Public Service. Listen to recent episodes.
The Prospects for Second-Generation Latino Young Men in the Inner City
- Maria Rendón
- Podcasts
- July 2014
Criminal Punishment and American Inequality
- Christopher Uggen
- Podcasts
- June 2014
Fathering after Deployment
- Tova Walsh
- Podcasts
- May 2014
Using Insights from Participatory Research to Inform Poverty Policy
- Mariana Chilton
- Podcasts
- April 2014
Reconsidering the Effects of Immigration on the U.S. Labor Market
- Giovanni Peri
- Podcasts
- March 2014
Undocumented Young Adults in the United States and the ‘Transition from Belonging to Illegality’
- Roberto Gonzales
- Podcasts
- February 2014
Low-Income Mothers and Distrust
- Judith Levine
- Podcasts
- January 2014
Administrative Burden and Access to Government Programs
- Pam Herd and Don Moynihan
- Podcasts
- December 2013
Natural Disasters, the Poor, and the Louisiana Road Home Program
- Jesse Gregory
- Podcasts
- September 2013
The Wisconsin Poverty Report and How We Think about Measuring Poverty
- Timothy Smeeding
- Podcasts
- July 2013