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The Use of Child Support Guidelines in Wisconsin: 1996 to 2007

  • Steven T. Cook and Patricia Brown
  • Report
  • 2013
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Refugees and the Wisconsin Child Support Enforcement System

  • Patricia R. Brown and Steven T. Cook
  • Report
  • 2012
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Child Support Referrals for Out-of-Home Placements: A Review of Policy and Practice

  • Carol Chellew, Jennifer L. Noyes, and Rebekah Selekman
  • Report
  • 2012
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Holding Child Support Orders of Incarcerated Payers in Abeyance: Final Evaluation Report

  • Jennifer L. Noyes, Maria Cancian, and Laura Cuesta
  • Report
  • 2012
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The Role of Child Support in the Current Economic Safety Net for Low-Income Families with Children

  • Kristen S. Slack, Lawrence M. Berger, Bomi Kim, Mi Youn Yang
  • Report
  • 2012
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Fathers’ Investments of Time and Money across Residential Contexts

  • Marcia J. Carlson, Alicia G. VanOrman, and Kimberly J. Turner
  • Report
  • 2012