Fast Focus Research/Policy Brief Icon

Making the U.S. Safety Net More Responsive to Economic Downturns

  • Robert A. Moffitt and James P. Ziliak, edited by Mitchell McFarlane
  • Fast Focus Policy Brief
  • 2021
Fast Focus Research/Policy Brief Icon

Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansions and Child Support Outcomes

  • Lindsey Bullinger, and edited by Eleanor Pratt
  • Fast Focus Policy Brief
  • 2021
Report Icon

Analysis of the Unemployment Insurance Waiting Period in Wisconsin

  • Jeffrey Smith, Yonah Drazen, Steven Cook, and Hilary Shager
  • Report
  • 2020
Report Icon

Final Impact Findings from the Child Support Noncustodial Parent Employment Demonstration (CSPED): Technical Supplement

  • Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer, Lawrence M. Berger, Angela Guarin , Leslie Hodges, Katherine Anne Magnuson, Lisa Klein Vogel, Melody Waring, Robert G. Wood, Quinn Moore, and April Yanyuan Wu
  • Report
  • 2019
Focus and Focus+ Icon

Poverty and childhood health

  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2017
Focus and Focus+ Icon

Medicaid and intergenerational economic mobility

  • Rourke O'Brien
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2017