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Hope Harvey on Doubled-Up Households

  • Hope Harvey
  • Podcasts
  • 2022
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Associations Between Problematic Substance Use and Child Support Order Compliance

  • Tawandra L. Rowell-Cunsolo, Diandian Yilin, Amit S. Jadhav, and Carson Borbely
  • Report
  • 2022
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COVID-19, Child Support, and the Income Packages of Custodial Parents

  • Alejandra Ros Pilarz and Laura Cuesta
  • Report
  • 2022
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Child Support Agencies as Connectors

  • Lisa Klein Vogel and Samina Hossain
  • Report
  • 2022
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The Stifling Stability of Deep Disadvantage

  • Vincent A. Fusaro, H. Luke Shaefer, and Jasmine Simington
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2022
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Recession and Recovery Impacts on Foreign- and U.S.-Born Latinos in the United States

  • Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2022
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Racial Disparities in Household Wealth Following the Great Recession

  • Fenaba R. Addo and William A. Darity, Jr.
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2022