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Focus & Focus+ 36(3), October 2020
COVID-19 and Poverty

  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2020
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Policy and economic factors that affect food security

  • Judith Bartfeld and Fei Men
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2020
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Exploring Paths to Child Support Compliance

  • Daniel R. Meyer, Maria Cancian, Lawrence Berger, and Molly Costanzo
  • Report
  • 2020
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Changes in Placement after Divorce and Implications for Child Support Policy

  • Daniel R. Meyer, Marcia J. Carlson, and Md Moshi Ul Alam
  • Report
  • 2019
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Understanding the effects of the U.S. prison boom on rural communities

  • John M. Eason
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2019
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Use of Enforcement Actions and Their Relationship to Payments

  • Daniel R. Meyer, Maria Cancian, and Melody Waring
  • Report
  • 2019
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Child Support Payments, Income Imputation, and Default Orders

  • Maria Cancian, Steven Cook, and Daniel R. Meyer
  • Report
  • 2019
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The Use of Child Support Guidelines in Wisconsin: 2010 and 2013

  • Leslie Hodges and Steven T. Cook
  • Report
  • 2019
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Can a redesigned child support system do better?

  • Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer, and Robert G. Wood
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2019