Report Icon

The Role of Child Support in the Current Economic Safety Net for Low-Income Families with Children

  • Kristen S. Slack, Lawrence M. Berger, Bomi Kim, Mi Youn Yang
  • Report
  • 2012
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Disconnected Americans

  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2012
Focus and Focus+ Icon

From multiple program participation to disconnection in Wisconsin

  • Maria Cancian, Eunhee Han, and Jennifer L. Noyes
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2012
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The disconnected population in Tennessee

  • Donald Bruce, William Hamblen, and Xiaowen Liu
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2012
Report Icon

Child Support and Subsequent Nonmarital Fertility

  • Yeongmin Kim, Maria Cancian, and Daniel R. Meyer
  • Report
  • 2011
Discussion Paper Icon

An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Anti-Poverty Programs in the United States

  • Yonatan Ben-Shalom, Robert Moffitt, and John Karl Scholz
  • Discussion Paper
  • 2011
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Both Hands Tied

  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2011
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Reconfiguring the social contract: A summary of Both Hands Tied

  • Jane L. Collins and Victoria Mayer
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2011
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Reactions to Both Hands Tied

  • Lawrence M. Mead
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • 2011