What has Happened to the American Working Class since the Great Recession?

Conference Agenda

January 11–12, 2021
Presenter in bold

Monday, January 11, 2021 (all times Eastern)


Welcome and Introductions―the Editors, Hosts, and ANNALS


Overview papers (up to 30 minutes each)

10:30–11:00am The Recovery from The Great Recession: A Long, Evolving Expansion
Jay C. Shambaugh,  George Washington University and Michael R. Strain, American Enterprise Institute
Presentation Slides
11:00–11:30am Labor Market Trends and Outcomes: What Has Changed Since The Great Recession?
Erica L. Groshen, Cornell University; and Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University
Presentation Slides
11:30–12:00pm Recent Trends in the Material Well Being of the Working Class in America
James P. Ziliak, University of Kentucky
Presentation Slides
12:00–12:30pm Discussion of overview papers


Sustenance Break

1:00–4:50 pm

Population Outcomes (up to 20 minutes each)

1:00–1:20pm A Growing Divide: The Promises and Pitfalls of Education for the Working Class
Douglas A. Webber, Temple University
Presentation Slides
1:20–1:40pm Justice-Involved Individuals in the Labor Market since the Great Recession
Keith Finlay, U.S. Census Bureau and Michael Mueller-Smith, University of Michigan
Presentation Slides
1:40–2:00pm The Economic Status of People with Disabilities and their Families since the Great Recession
Leila Bengali, UCLA Anderson School of Management; Mary C. DalyOlivia Lofton, and Robert G. Valletta, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Presentation Slides
2:00–2:20pm Great Recession and American Indian and Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Randall Akee, University of California, Los Angeles
Presentation Slides
2:20–2:50pm Discussion of first four population outcome papers


Short Afternoon Break

3:10–3:30pm The Impact of Recessions on the Black Working and Professional Classes: Wages, Essential Work, and Occupational Safety Risks
Ofronama Biu, Christopher Famighetti, and Darrick Hamilton, The New School
Presentation Slides
3:30–3:50pm Wealth, Race, and the Working Class from 2010–2019
Fenaba R. Addo
, University of Wisconsin–Madison and William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University
Presentation Slides
3:50–4:10pm How Foreign- and U.S.-Born Latinos Fare during Recessions and Recoveries
Pia Orrenius
, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and IZA and Madeline Zavodny, University of North Florida and IZA
Presentation Slides
4:10–4:45pm Discussion of final three population outcome papers


Final remarks of the day


Adjourn for the day

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 (all times Eastern)


Editors brief reflections of discussions so far


Institutional Outcomes (up to 20 minutes each)

10:00–10:20am The New Realities of Working-Class Jobs: Employer Practices, Worker Protections, and Employee Voice to Improve Job Quality
Julia R. Henly and Susan J. Lambert, University of Chicago; and Laura Dresser, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Presentation Slides
10:20–10:40am How Labor Market Institutions Matter for Worker Compensation
Ryan Nunn, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Jennifer Hunt, Rutgers University
Presentation Slides
10:40–11:00am Major Means-Tested and Income Support Programs for the Working Class, 2009–2019
Yu-Ling Chang, University of California-Berkeley; Jennifer Romich, University of Washington; and Marci Ybarra, University of Chicago
Presentation Slides
11:00–11:20am Workforce Entry Including Career and Technical Education
Burt S. Barnow, George Washington University; Lois M. Miller, and Jeffrey A. Smith, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Presentation Slides
11:20–11:50am Discussion of institutional outcome papers


Sustenance Break


Pockets of Success and Distress (up to 20 minutes each)

12:30–12:50pm The Opioid Epidemic Was Not Caused by Economic Distress But by Factors that Could Be More Rapidly Addressed
Janet Currie, Princeton University and Hannes Schwandt, Northwestern University
Presentation Slides
12:50–1:10pm Communities Moving Ahead, Falling Behind: Evidence from the Index of Deep Disadvantage
Vincent A. Fusaro, Boston College; H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan; and Jasmine Simington, University of Michigan
Presentation Slides
1:10–1:30pm Discussion of pockets papers


Short afternoon break


Policy Perspectives (up to 30 minutes each)

1:45–2:15pm One set of perspectives – Richard V. Burkhauser, Cornell University; Kevin Corinth, Council of Economic Advisers; and Doug Holtz-EakinAmerican Action Forum
Presentation Slides
2:15–2:45pm Second set of perspectives – Gary Burtless and Isabelle Sawhill, Brookings
Presentation Slides
2:45–3:30pm Open Discussion of policy perspectives


Final remarks, wrap up and next steps


Conference ends